Tick infectivity testing - collecting site in Prague!

Ticks for analysis can now be handed to us at a collection site in Prague. Více >

5.5.2023, 0 komentářs Tick removal Precaution News Disease
Correct removal of a tick

It is important to remove a tick as early as possible. Correct and early tick removal is vital for reducing the risk of disease transmission. Více >

6.11.2018, 232 komentářs Precaution Tick removal
Why analyse your tick for infectivity?

20% of tick carry a serious disease. In almost 40% of affected patients no typical symptoms appear. An undiagnosed disease progresses into further stages, which are challenging in terms of symptoms and treatment. Více >

12.9.2018, 102 komentářs Importance of tick examinations Tick removal
Traveller's kit for tick removal

We have prepared a practical kit for you that contains everything you need to remove ticks and disinfect wounds, and it can fit into any pocket or bicycle bag, so you have it at hand on your trip to nature. Více >

28.4.2018, 0 komentářs Precaution Outdoor Tick removal
Using the tick-card to safely remove a tick

How to use the special tick-card to safely remove ticks. Videos demonstrating tick removal from animal and human skin are attached. Více >

6.11.2018, 23 komentářs Precaution Tick removal
Instructions for ordering a tick infectivity analysis

If you decide to take advantage of the possibility to detect the risk of infection transmission from a tick by sending it to Protean s.r.o. laboratory for analysis, follow the instructions below. Více >

9.7.2024, 11 komentářs Tick removal Importance of tick examinations

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Protean s.r.o.
Dolní 2102/2 (Státní veterinání ústav)
370 04 České Budějovice
IČ: 28089421