Head of the laboratory as a guest on ČT2

The head of our laboratory, who is responsible for conducting tick infectivity diagnosis, Ing. Miroslava Burýšková, was invited to the popular show "Dobré ráno" streaming on Czech television. Watch the interview here Více >

16.3.2018, 0 komentářs News Media Tick removal
Klíště.cz on the TEP show of ČT24 TV channel.

Czech television (ČT) was filming a report for the show TEP24 at our laboratory. You can witness the entire process of tick infectivity testing, from sample aquisition to the evaluation of test results. Více >

16.3.2018, 0 komentářs Media Importance of tick examinations
Head of the laboratory gives an online interview for TN.cz

Find answers to hundreds of question about tick problematics. Více >

16.3.2018, 0 komentářs Media Tick removal
Online interview for hobby.cz

Head of the laboratory, Ing. Miroslava Burýšková, PhD, as a guest at the online server hobby.idnes.cz. Více >

16.3.2018, 9 komentářs Media Tick removal
The head of our laboratory as a guest on the show "Sama doma" ("Alone at Home")

The head of our laboratory, who is responsible for conducting tick infectivity diagnosis, Ing. Miroslava Burýšková, was invited to the popular show "Sama doma" streaming on Czech television. Více >

16.3.2018, 0 komentářs Media Tick removal
Thirteen (ČRo Regina). How to handle ticks?

Guest: Ing. Miroslava Burýšková, Ph.D. - Docor of Biology and Expert on Tick Infectivity Diagnostics from Protean s.r.o., and RNDr. Jan Votýpka from the Department of Parasitology at the Faculty of Science, Charles University. Více >

16.3.2018, 0 komentářs Tick removal Media

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