Why analyse your tick for infectivity?

20% of tick carry a serious disease. In almost 40% of affected patients no typical symptoms appear. An undiagnosed disease progresses into further stages, which are challenging in terms of symptoms and treatment. Více >

12.9.2018, 102 komentářs Importance of tick examinations Tick removal
Instructions for ordering a tick infectivity analysis

If you decide to take advantage of the possibility to detect the risk of infection transmission from a tick by sending it to Protean s.r.o. laboratory for analysis, follow the instructions below. Více >

9.7.2024, 11 komentářs Tick removal Importance of tick examinations
Klíště.cz on the TEP show of ČT24 TV channel.

Czech television (ČT) was filming a report for the show TEP24 at our laboratory. You can witness the entire process of tick infectivity testing, from sample aquisition to the evaluation of test results. Více >

16.3.2018, 0 komentářs Media Importance of tick examinations

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Protean s.r.o.
Dolní 2102/2 (Státní veterinání ústav)
370 04 České Budějovice
IČ: 28089421