Tick infectivity testing - collecting site in Prague!

Ticks for analysis can now be handed to us at a collection site in Prague. Více >

5.5.2023, 0 komentářs Tick removal Precaution News Disease
Maps of infected tick incidence in the Czech Republic

Overview of tick samples analyzed by the team of Dr. Burýšková in the years 2006-2023. The maps depict percentages of ticks tested positive for borreliosis, tick-borne encephalitis and ehrlichiosis in Protean s.r.o. laboratory. Více >

8.1.2024, 194 komentářs Occurrence of infected ticks News
Incidence of infected ticks in individual years

The following graphs display the incidence of ticks infected by monitored pathogens during individual years, and the mean infectivity values over the entire analysis period. Více >

8.1.2024, 1 komentářs News Occurrence of infected ticks
Lyme disease

Lyme disease, or borreliosis, is a disease whose name is derived from a small American town named Old Lyme, where an increased occurrence of joint disease in children due to an unknown cause was observed. From the late 19th to the mid-20th century,... Více >

23.5.2019, 85 komentářs Lyme disease Disease

Human ehrlichiosis is a contagious disease transmitted by ticks. It is caused by the bacteria Anaplasma phagocytophilum, formerly called Ehrlichia p. (from which the name of the disease is derived). The bacteria attack white blood cells, entering... Více >

18.4.2019, 9 komentářs Disease Ehrlichiosis

Babesiosis is transmitted by ticks. The disease causative agent is a protozoan from the genus Babesia, usually Babesia divergens or Babesia microti. The protozoans infect red blood cells, and feed and procreate inside them. Babesiosis frequently... Více >

18.4.2019, 15 komentářs Disease Babesiosis

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Protean s.r.o.
Dolní 2102/2 (Státní veterinání ústav)
370 04 České Budějovice
IČ: 28089421