Maps of infected tick incidence in the Czech Republic

Overview of tick samples analyzed by the team of Dr. Burýšková in the years 2006-2023. The maps depict percentages of ticks tested positive for borreliosis, tick-borne encephalitis and ehrlichiosis in Protean s.r.o. laboratory. Více >

8.1.2024, 194 komentářs Occurrence of infected ticks News
Incidence of infected ticks in individual years

The following graphs display the incidence of ticks infected by monitored pathogens during individual years, and the mean infectivity values over the entire analysis period. Více >

8.1.2024, 1 komentářs News Occurrence of infected ticks
An Overview of the treatment of tick-borne diseases

Based on frequent questions from both laymen and experts, we have prepared a brief overview of recommended antibiotic treatment plans for individual tick-borne diseases. Více >

18.4.2019, 0 komentářs News Therapy For physicians
Incidence of infected ticks in individual regions

The graph depicts results from over ten thousand analyzed ticks acquired by the Protean s.r.o. laboratory. The graph represents the proportion of tick infected by borreliosis, tick-borne encephalitis (TBEV), ehrlichiosis and babesiosis in individual... Více >

22.5.2024, 14 komentářs News Occurrence of infected ticks
Advances in Lyme disease diagnosis

The Protean laboratory Protean has participated in the development of new diagnostic kits used for the detection of Lyme disease. The tests contain highly specific recombinant antigens isolated from Borrelia... Více >

23.5.2019, 0 komentářs Therapy Disease News Lyme disease
Head of the laboratory as a guest on ČT2

The head of our laboratory, who is responsible for conducting tick infectivity diagnosis, Ing. Miroslava Burýšková, was invited to the popular show "Dobré ráno" streaming on Czech television. Watch the interview here Více >

16.3.2018, 0 komentářs News Media Tick removal

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Protean s.r.o.
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