Lyme disease in animals

Lyme disease poses a serious threat to animals and is unfortunately often underestimated by veterinarians themselves. If not treated in time, it advances into later stages of the disease, which are accompanied by health complications, and often... Více >

23.1.2019, 61 komentářs Disease Animal disease Lyme disease

Bartonellosis is a rarely diagnosed bacterial disease transmitted to humans by ticks or fleas (most commonly from dogs and cats). The disease causative agent is a bacterium from the genus Bartonella, most commonly Bartonella henselae. It mainly... Více >

18.4.2019, 0 komentářs Bartonelosis Disease
Tick encephalitis

This inflammatory disease of the brain and meninges is caused by the Tick-born encephalitis virus (TBEV), a virus of the Flaviviridae family. Ticks get infected by the virus when sucking animal blood. Human infection is most often caused by... Více >

23.4.2019, 11 komentářs Tick encephalitis Disease
Vaccination against Tick encephalitis

Vaccination against Tick encephalitis represents the most reliable way to prevent this infection and protect your health against this dangerous disease. Currently there are three vaccines available: Encepur, Encepur K, or FSME-Immun. Those are... Více >

9.11.2018, 51 komentářs Tick encephalitis Vaccination Precaution

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