Instructions for ordering a tick infectivity analysis

If you decide to take advantage of the possibility to detect the risk of infection transmission from a tick by sending it to Protean s.r.o. laboratory for analysis, follow the instructions below. Více >

5.5.2023, 11 komentářs Importance of tick examinations Tick removal
How do ticks suck blood?

The tick does not attach to its host straight away after getting on the body, but usually wanders and searches for a convenient location like soft and damp skin. Such places can be the armpits, groins, the back of knees, behind ears or the belly.... Více >

6.11.2018, 0 komentářs About ticks
What are the natural enemies of ticks?

Ticks are a natural part of the ecosystem they live in. They are firmly integrated into this system and have important ecological roles. Their parasitic way of life does not protect them from their natural enemies. Many species feed on ticks. Více >

20.5.2018, 25 komentářs Garden defence Native enemies
How does the tick search for host?

Stories about ticks leaping on their victims from trees are absolutely misleading. In fact it is very opposite. Ticks are very patient and wait for their host lying in grass. For search, they use higly sensitive senses. Více >

6.11.2018, 4 komentářs Outdoor About ticks
Tick species

Ticks are parasitic arthropods and are common carriers of animal and human disease. Ticks together with mites belong to the taxon Acari, and are closely related to spiders. In adulthood they have four pairs of legs, just like spiders do. Více >

23.1.2019, 79 komentářs Life cycle About ticks
New trends in treatment of Lyme disease

The first symptoms of Lyme disease (erythema migrans) are standardly treated with antibiotics administered for 14-21 days. However, several european as well as american research articles describe that administration of a small dose of antibiotics... Více >

6.11.2018, 4 komentářs Lyme disease Disease Therapy

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