Natural tick repellents

5.5.2023, 6 892 přečtení, 7 komentář Outdoor Precaution

The use of chemical products applied directly on the skin is not ideal and thus people are more and more interested in finding natural substitutions. Recipes for natural insect and tick repellents stem from the experience of their users.

The most effective is the combination of various repellents - natural products applied on the skin and chemical repellents applied on clothing. The effect of homemade products is however short-lived and thus these have to be reapplied. A wrist band containing natural essential oils is effective the entire time it is worn on our hands, feet or stroller handrail, and is therefore a suitable supplement in defense against ticks.

Natural tricks against ticks

  • Vinegar welded with rosemary
  • Most frequently used homemade recipe; bring 1 liter of water to a boil, remove from the stove and add two cups of dried or one cup of fresh rosemary. Steep under a lid until the water has cooled down and strain the rosemary. Then add one tablespoon of vinegar and mix. Store in the fridge and apply before going into nature using a spray bottle.
  • Lavender, thyme or tea plant can be used in a similar way.
  • Fennel
  • Put a small bag of fennel in your pocket and squeeze it to release the aroma. Squeezing the bag a few times throughout you stay outside will help diffuse the repellent aroma.
  • Tansy (Tanacetum vulgare) tincture
    One cup of tansy blooms and three finely sliced garlic cloves are added into a container, covered by 100 ml of alcohol and left one week to macerate. Strain, pour into a spray bottle and apply to bottom of trousers, sleeves and shoes when going into nature.
  • Citrus fruits
    Bring water to a boil and add several thinly cut lemons, oranges, limes or grapefruits. Boil for one hour on a low setting, then remove the fruits. Store in the fridge.
  • Clove
    Add 30 pieces of cloves into a 200ml Alpa bottle and macerate for at least 24 hours (until the tincture turns brown). Fill a spray bottle and use as needed.

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